The JJboys mission is to educate adults on what toys kids want so they can earn money while helping your shopping be a bit easier.
When you buy items from the JJBoys recommendations, they earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This income can then be easily invested for their future tax-free because of the time that they spent working on compiling a toy list for different age groups.
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JJ Boy 1 loves Legos, sports, and building anything. He never really wanted anything but legos but thinks very specific other toys are cool. If JJBoy1 recommends a toy and its not lego, rest assured that its got to be a good one and your kid will love it!
JJ Boy 2 has a wonderful imagination. This is a kid that can play for hours with stuffed animals, figures, or anything that pulls him into a story. From when he was little, he loved anything 'cute'. He takes careful time and effort to pick out toys for you paying special attention to who it is for and what he would have liked at said age.